If the vinyl lettering is going above a couch, bed or piece of furniture, make the length of the phrase a little shorter than the piece of furniture/object. This will be more pleasing to the eye. 

The fatter the individual letters are, the easier they will be to apply. 

Work slowly and do not rush when applying your Praise.

How does my Wall Praise come in the Mail?
Wall Praise will come to you in 3 layers.
1. The top layer is the application tape. 
2. The middle layer is the vinyl lettering or graphic. 
3. The bottom layer is the backing paper. 

**** We use a low tack appl. tape. This allows the vinyl lettering to adhere easier to eggshell and satin walls. 
To get the lettering to stick to the tape layer, you want to rub more on the backing. If your light weight application card is not rubbing enough, use a heavier credit card or squeegee.
Again, rubbing on the back graph side is what will make the lettering come off the backing and stick to the FRONT LAYER of tape.
You must ROLL AND PRESS off the backing, not pull out and off. View u-tube video for press and roll removal instructions.*****


Different link for the video (If you have problems loading it)

Click the arrow in the middle of the screen to view the application demo to the RIGHT
(Simple Instructions on basic SMALL APPLICATIONS)

Download Wall Praise Application Instructions Single and Multi Layer

Here is another great video. It will show you different application methods
This is a great video on the basics of vinyl lettering application. It is of course an outside, wet application option.
The products they are selling are not necessary-just a clean moist cloth will work fine-make sure the surface is good and dry before applying your Praise.
This will give you a great overview.

Another Example of how to install a LARGE Wall Praise 

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